McSween Family Tree
Provided by Alice Ketman and her Sisters
- Last updated on January 23, 2008 -
The McSween information is in the process of  being revised and up dated.
Revistions and new information will be posted after further verification.
If you can help with this or any other relitive information, Please email me.
Family Tree related emails may be forwarded to other Ketman Family members.
Alice "Aliket" Ketman
To see if there is more information about an individual, clicking on their name to open a new window.
Sources include:
(but are not limited to).
"Jesse Hamilton Sowell gave me this
information on Sowell's and McSween. 
Carl D. Sowell of San Diego
gave most of material"
Jimmie D. McSween in Dallas, Texas 
 - January 2007 -
Our second cousin (once removed).
The Richmond County, NC
Historical Society
Copy of a postcard sent to me by my sister when she visited Castle Sween.
Castle Sween is thought to be the oldest stone castle on the Scottish mainland.
It was built in the 11th or 12th century and held by the McSweens
until it was captured by Robert the Bruce in 1315.
Photo Information & References Links
Scotland Twenty Four Seven
Castles, Cairns and Celtic Music

Kil - vico - charmaig
Skye, the Island and Lochalsh

Those listed in the tree below may be related but we are not sure where they fit in relation to the above tree.

Aliket's Place Index       *        Family Tree Index
 *   Copyright © 2005 - 2009 Ketman *