When asked, "Why should I join the American Legion?" there are several different reasons that we provide people. Some of the reasons are listed below, but not necessarily in the order of importance.
When you join The American Legion, you join a local Post... more specifically, Oakhurst Post #110. A local Post provides (1) Service to Veterans like you who have dedicated a part of their life to ensuring our Democracy, (2) Community Involvement to those around us, (3) School Involvement so that our children will never forget the sacrifices that individuals have made and the continued protection of our Flag, and (4) Recreational meetings and get-togethers that provide a place where we can mutually discuss why we make a difference.
Why Should YOU Join?
Patriotism. Service. Fraternity. That's a powerful package!
- I love this country!
- ... and I want it to continue to be the greatest country on earth!
- I have other friends who belong.
- They serve good food (and we really do!).
- I like to associate with other Veterans.
- I like the atmosphere.
- I like going to meetings and to see what is going on.
- I want to become involved in Veterans' issues.
- Always something going on to get us out of the house for a few hours.
- My parents belonged and I just naturally joined when I came out of the service.
When you get involve in The American Legion, you get involved in ... AMERICA!
Here are just a few ways our members got involved last year:
- Needy children and families received more than $6 million in cash and goods.
- Deserving high school students were awarded $3.8 million in college scholarships.
- Local charity campaigns received over $10 million hours of service to their communities.
- Legion Posts provided over $2 million in emergency aid to veterans last year.
- Over $37.5 million was spent by The American Legion and its affiliated organizations for the benefit of children and youth last year.
- Legionnaires across the country donate almost 2 million hours each year in the VA's Voluntary Service Program, helping veterans who are patients in VA medical facilities.
- The Legion's Family Support Network has helped thousands of family members of military personnel in the Persian Gulf in every day needs from simple household repairs to financial assistance.
- That's what "getting involved" can do. It's people helping people. It's Americans taking care of America. And the impressive part of the activities cited above is the fact that they were achieved by only half of the Legion's 15,000 chartered Posts!
Are There Any Other Perks? (of course there are!)
- You'll get special discount rates on car rentals, hotels and motels, moving companies and eyewear, prescription drug plans, cell phone plans and MUCH more!
- You are eligible to participate in the American Legion Life Insurance Program... $1000 free plus low cost life insurance.
- Using any one of these discounts can easily offset your entire year's dues. It's a benefit package your entire family can enjoy!
- As a Legion member you also receive a yearly subscription to The American Legion Magazine at no additional cost... colorful monthly issues packed full of general-interest features... updates on Veterans' benefits that keep you informed of changes that affect you as a Veteran.
Remember how you felt after any attack on our Country - take September 11, 2001. Patriotism. Service, Fraternity. We stood together on that day and admittedly, those feelings are fading throughout this country.
Freedom of Speech is practiced here. Views and opinions are sometimes personal and not necessarily those of The American Legion or Post #110 members. |
