The Praise Works!
Ahwahnee, California
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Wawona Hotel by Judith Durr
Wawona Hotel and the restored fountain, 2011

The Admiral
Admiral Butterfly taken Memorial Weekend 2010

Yosemite Superintendents Bridge
Yosemite - Superintendent's Footbridge 2009

Busy BeeBlue Dragonfly
Three Springs, North Fork

Dragonfly on a string
Dragonfly on a string!

California Tortoiseshell ButterflyCalifornia Tortoiseshell butterfly

Butterfly hatching, El Portal - entrance to Yosemite 2008
California Tortoiseshell Butterfly

St. Catherine's in HornitosSt. Catherine's in Hornitos
St. Catherine's Church, Hornitos, CA

Glory Vessel

The Lord bless you and keep you always!

All photos copyrighted