But the similarity of Al-Queda to the intelligence services is not merely a case of convergent evolution. Al-Queda was born among the mujahadeen who went to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviets. This movement, as is now well known, was funded by the CIA. Although the CIA was the principal bankroller, you can bet that the other intelligence services, including the Mossad, were in on the deal. In a very real sense, Al-Queda is the child of the intelligence community. And as they did then, they now look for pools of young, unemployed, angry Moslem men to recruit. Britain and Spain are full of them. So it is no surprise that Al-Queda bombed the Madrid and London subways. It was an act to impress the young Muslim unemployed to join their cause. But these days, the recruits are off to Iraq and Afghanistanto fight Americans, even as their fathers had gone to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight Soviets. One can predict that there will soon be similar acts in France and Germany, where there are also large numbers of unemployed Moslem men.
And sadly, the men they recruit, yearning for true initiation, get only the false initiation of CIA/Mossad/Al-Queda. As they prepare for suicide bombings, they are really merely cannon fodder. As the agricultural society priests once let people by the thousands to the slaughter to dedicate their temples, so today the CIA/Mossad/Al-Queda lead them to the slaughter before American guns, formerly before Soviet guns - it matters little to them who is behind the guns.
But there is no large pool of unemployed Moslem men in America, where Moslems are mostly professional, upper-middle class. Al-Queda thus has no real interest in bombing America, or other countries without that large pool. This in itself should make you doubt that Al-Queda pulled off 9/11. But if the government blames them for it, to Al-Queda that is like crediting them. Of course they are going to agree to that. Who wants to shoot Santa Claus? And, you will come further in understanding the anatomy of 9/11 in respecting Spengler's seemingly prophetic prediction that Western society's phase 7 would start in 2000. Just one year later comes 9/11. Phase 7 is about the war of force-politics - the occultocracy - and money-politics - the corporatocracy. The World Trade Center was corporatocracy's temple. And yet, the tragic and violent substitute that they have made for male initiation is just as visible today as it was in the time of pagan agricultural societies. Then, thousands were killed in the process of dedicating a temple. In 9/11, thousands were killed in the process of destroying one.
And yet, the symbology of the event, tragic as it is, tells the real truth. The Towers were phallic symbols - among many other things; notwithstanding that the corporatocracy is uncontrolled feminine power. As a male initiatory rite, it did not succeed in creating manhood. Rather, it destroyed it. A cruel irony rings in Ruppert's statement "the CIA is Wall Street, and Wall Street is the CIA". Who destroyed what? The brutal truth is at the deepest level, the CIA is NOT Wall Street. In the elitist theory, Wall Street is the High and the CIA is the Middle. Spenglerian theory looks as the conflict of force-politics over money - and predicts that force-politics will win.
It is this horrible vision of the world being taken over by an imperium that motivates the political parties of today. The Republicans, specifically the Tea Partiers, are going along with some of the corporatocracy in rolling back the Spenglerian clock to Phase 1 - feudalism. So is explained their efforts on many levels to destroy the middle class. In feudalism there is a rich class - be they knights or billionaires or corporate CEOs ruling impoverished masses, uneducated except for propaganda. So they are opposed to public schools, preferring the charter schools that would train the few specialists that they need along the way. Among the most radical of the progressives are those who would turn the clock back to Phase 0 - tribal society. Most of the rest of them are content to keep alive the values of tribal society. But meanwhile the clock keeps inexorably ticking forward into Phase 7. The occultocracy's making of Mexico into a drug lord's paradise of lawlessness is a chilling preview of what the world will look like under Phase 7.
It is obvious that there needs to be a world government. There are world corporations, world news agencies and even world organized crime. To them, national governments look provincial. Where they can't get their way with one national government, they just go elsewhere. Nations have become victims to their games of divide and conquer.
In Western culture there has been, as Spengler notes, nations since about 1200. Nations have also served other cultures around the world since before that time. But we live today in a global community. Have nations, in the way of independent sovereignity that we commonly think of nations, served their purpose? Are nations obsolete? In light of the impotency of nations, even America, to rule and manage the corporatocracy, the occultocracy too, it would seem so.
But before we start planning what a world government would be like, we must recognize one basic reality. It already exists. The corporatocracy and the occultocracy: it is the existing world government. The doctrine that drives this world government issues from the "neo-conservatives", or 'neocons'. They have begun with Spengler's theory and noted that, as Western civilization now moves into its seventh phase, there is now one world community dominated by one superpower. There is no longer the frontier of bottom-up barbarian society to threaten the top-down structure, nothing to make it unstable or transitory.. Lincoln's maxim that 'you cannot fool all of the people all of the time' is no longer applicable. It really is possible, they maintain, to fool all of the people all of the time. That is why they felt secure in pulling off 9/11. With this secure top-down structure, they maintain, it really is possible for the first time in history to rule the world forever. And it is no surprise that in this environment those who believe the dark dream of destroying 90% of the world's population, and enslaving 9% to serve the luxury of the top 1%, have gained unprecedented political and economic power.
But is it accountable to the common person? Clearly it is not.
You might ask, what about the United Nations? Problem is, the U.N. was designed to enable nations to combat and hopefully suppress nations that would be aggressive to other nations' sovereignty. It was not designed to compromise any nation's sovereignty. So if a nation is not accountable to its people, it is powerless to provide that accountability. Its power to do only what it is designed to do is compromised by the veto power in the Security Council, which the United States has used time an again to prevent nations from taking action against the Nazi-like excesses of Israel; even as five decades ago the Soviet Union used the veto power in a similar manner. Its power to do beyond what it was designed to do is even weaker.
The sovereignty of nations has already been compromised by corporatocracy and occultocracy. What the U.N. is designed to do is like someone trying to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen. World government exists. It is a tyranny unlike any the world has ever seen before. It is not accountable to the common people. What is to be done?
Historically this is what happens when the people finally say 'no more!' to tyranny. It is often, but not always, very bloody. A singular event typically acts as a focus point to energize and enable the revolution. With the American revolution it was the Boston Tea Party. For the world revolution to come, it is 9/11. The relatively easy part is overthrowing the existing regime. The hard part is establishing an accountable structure in its place.
What will the revolution look like? There will be a declaration of some sort, like the Declaration of Independence, that explains why the revolution is necessary and what its goals are. It may be more like a manifesto, or a call to accountability, since that is what is lacking in the existing government, to say nothing of most national governments. There will be some means of dissemination and of education so that enough people will understand the necessity to the point of willingness to make a commitment to it. There will be action plans to de-fang: the corporatocracy, so that corporations can continue to provide products and services without trying to rule the world by whatever means; and the occultocracy, so that intelligence services provide only that, not 'psychological operations' to try to rule the world. And finally there will be a world constitution so that the new government will be a rule of law.
For four years we fought World War 2 to prevent Hitler from conquering the world. And heaved a great sigh of relief when he was defeated. Then for 45 years we fought the Communist bloc to prevent them from conquering the world. And heaved an even greater sigh of relief when they disintegrated. Well guess what? The world has been conquered: by the corporatocracy and the occultocracy. The Left talks much these days about the American Empire. There is no American Empire. There is a world empire. Abraham Lincoln was among those who said, "you can fool all people some of the time, and some people all of the time, but not all people all of the time". The corporatocracy and the occultocracy seem to believe that indeed you can fool all of the people all of the time. If they're right, there will be no revolution; there will be only eternal subjagation and slavery, if not mass genocide. If Lincoln is right, the revolution is inevitable. Sooner or later.
In de-fanging the corportocracy it must be considered that the corporations themselves are not the corporatocracy, rather it is the way that they work together to influence Congressmen and the Administration. What drives it, makes it possible is the way they use money to buy elections, to bribe officials, and to buy media. This is already illegal. The only real way to solve the election influence or 'special interests' problem is to reduce the cost of campaigning to a level that an ordinary citizen with a vision of leadership can afford. As for the media, commercial media will just have to be replaced with listener subscription media. People gravitate to the commercial media because it seems to be 'free lunch'. But there just isn't any free lunch in media in a society that is to practice free speech. Media costs money. It is still true that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
The corporatocracy, in its efforts to destroy the middle class, has a weakness. Many large corporations, Microsoft for example, look at such efforts and see most of their market vanishing. They come away from that not so sure that they want to participate in middle class destruction and creating feudalism. It's a difference of opinion among them that is a crack in their armor, that can be exploited. It is only some of the super-rich CEOs, wallowing in their tax-free billions, that are tempted away from growing their corporations and into their exclusive world of luxury.
Defanging the occultocracy will be tougher. As already noted, they have an army. Notwithstanding, they can be stopped. They pulled off 9/11 so they could 'get' Iraq's oil, and when that didn't work they circulated the lie about the weapons of mass destruction. Because the lie was believed they got their war, and in due course the oil. But at a terrible, awful cost. We need to find a less bloody way. Armies notwithstanding, their principal weapon is lies. Their downfall is the truth. The more people know and understand the truth, the more people become savvy to their lies, the weaker they become.
It will be designed and will function from the bottom up. There will be 'neighborhood councils' similar to the concept that Catherine Austin Fitts has advocated. They will be small enough so that consensus politics can prevail at least on some things. Elements of tribal societies and consensus politics will be taught in schools and in adult education programs, so that nearly all can think in terms of consensus politics and understand why it makes government more accountable to all the opinions and needs of the common person. There will be enough tiers of councils and supervisor boards up to the state/provincial level so that consensus politics can be practiced in these councils. At the state, and the national levels there will no doubt be elections, but designed so that the cost of campaining will be within the means of an ordinary person.
The world level will be the real challenge. Consensus politics implies veto power. The difference is, and must be, that a holdout or a 'veto' is not the end of a political process, it is the beginning of one. The present United Nations Security Council looks at a veto as the end of a process. But in true consensus politics the spotlight is upon the holdout or holdouts. All political processes, consensus and otherwise, are based on compromise and accommodation. And all are affected by where the spotlight shines.
With the corporatocracy and occultocracy gone, the tragic and shameful support to drug trafficking will vanish. The 'drug war' which is presently unwinnable because the corporatocracy and the occultocracy are on the side of the drug kingpins; will be won. People with personal problems will be able to get the help they need, and not be drawn off into a shadow world outside the law where their health is being ruined. And insider trading can be eliminated and made impractical; people can invest and know that they have a fair chance on the markets.
Will there still be nations under the new world government? Yes, of course, and they will still command people's patriotism even as states and provinces and even cities do. Every nation has some special quality, some forte, and now in this new century of a global community each will bring that quality, that essence, to the new global government; even as they are presently bringing some of it to global commerce. In this, each nation must think in terms of bringing its best, and letting go of its worst. America will bring a vision of a common person going as far as his personal vision will define; not to mention an inventive and entrepreneural spirit; and not to mention a Constitution which has proven remarkably stable, to serve as a model. But America must be willing to let go of the elements that has caused it to foster the existing corporatocracy and occultocracy.
However it is important to understand that nations do not mean sovereign nations. Sovereignty is already dead, the new world will merely give it a decent burial. Nations will serve the purpose of ethnic integrity and identity, not sovereignty. For instance Israel as a center of ethnic integrity and identity will continue, but Israel as a sovereign nation is already obsolete. For similar reasons those who argue that Israel has no right to exist are carrying on an obsolete argument.
What will happen to the United Nations in the new world? Certain agencies, like UNESCO, FAO and WHO, will undoubtedly be retained. But the United Nations as currently structured will be history, for the simple reason that the concept of sovereignty for which it is designed is already history. Sovereignty will however continue to exist to protect and preserve national, cultural and ethnic identities, that they may continue to seek and find their community.
We have been taught to believe that it would, and certainly there are enough examples of that from Rome to Hitler. But these happened because the societies ruled by these dictators did not step outside the Spenglerian box, and their leaders, did not take the accountability to all persons that tribal society values demand, justifying their failure on various excuses that such accountability was unnecessary, calling some people slaves, or Jews, or subhuman, or whatever. And in today's world, the spectre of takeover by super-elitists who would exterminate the great majority of the world's population serves, if nothing else, as a horrible scarecrow.
But in today's global community the moral bankruptcy of such views is obvious. Also obvious, in a world demanding efficiency of energy use and of other resources, is applying human resources and developing each person's abilities and talents to the fullest. That cannot happen where large numbers of the population are enslaved to poverty, ignorance, and despotism. The future under the Spenglerian clock is an imperium. It is a future we cannot afford to have.
It will enable mankind to tackle the challenges that we all now face, which are world-oriented. Heretofore those challenges have been regional, and could be and were handled by sovereign nations, and their predecessors: kingdoms and empires. In the Renaissance even the discovery of the New World was handled by sovereign nations as they divided up North and South America between them, to say nothing of Africa and southeast Asia. Sending Apollo to the Moon was an American idea and the rush was to get there before the Soviet Union did - as indeed almost happened. Until about the time of Apollo we still dreamed that we could colonize the planets; Venus for example, as our predecessors had colonized the New World and Africa. But now knowing about those planets as we do, colonization is no longer an issue, even as sovereignty is no longer really an issue. Today's challenges lie beyond anything that sovereignty could hope to respond to.
We need to provide energy for humans on our planet in record numbers, all of them having a right to have meaningful lives wherein they would discover their potential as individuals. For uncounted generations human beings lived their whole lives without coming even close to discovering that in themselves, thanks to poverty, slavery and fear; but with today's communications and technology it is finally possible - if only the political system could catch up with that technology. Controlled nuclear fusion, which would provide cheap electrical power without relying on fossil fuels, causing pollution or global warming and generates no nuclear wastes, is a doable goal if only the world committed to a project as fully as America once committed to Apollo.
Global warming is an imperative issue to solve if life itself is to continue long term on this planet. It is important to understand that life on earth once faced the problem of global warming and solved it. Millions of years ago the Sun was much cooler and produced no ultraviolet light. The atmosphere then was mostly carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, with little or no oxygen. As the sun matured and started throwing out ultraviolet light, it became necessary to have oxygen in significant quantities in the atmosphere, so that an ozone layer would form to shield the ultraviolet. And as the sun heated up it was necessary to get the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, down to the levels that it is today, and life-forms then present on Earth did just that. Gigantic limestone deposits and the existing deposits of coal and oil attest to their work. Today, we are the dominant life form and it is up to us to do the job. The technology to do it is locked up in the corporations that have done genetic research, combining the genes of many different plants and animals. A focused world population, led by an accountable world government, is required to put that technology to work.
But how can there be male and female initiatory rites in the new world? We must have these, for we see what happens when we dont have them. Initiatory rites are very region-dependent and culture-dependent. Notwithstanding, they have been lost because of our belief in separation of church and state, which has resulted in separation and isolation of spirituality from materiality, especially in education. Spiritual development is an essential part of education of the young, and in the new world it will integrate smoothly. It was our concept of sovereignty that led to our concept of separation of church and state in the first place, a concept of sovereignty that is now obsolete. With the energy-draining conflict between uncontrolled masculine energy and uncontrolled feminine energy gone, the delicate and essential interactions of masculine and feminine energies that are behind the initiations can once again take place.
One must not forget that the corporatocracy is, in essence, a state of mind. It is the impulse to take the easy and tempting road of organizing from the top down. True tribal politics organize from the bottom up. Occultocracy is likewise a state of mind. It is a perversion of the natural human need for privacy, perverted into a power base of secrecy. We will never destroy those states of mind, nor should we, but we must apply them to non-harmful ends.
We have proposed the new world government as the final expression of the bottom-up tribal theory, exercising the values of tribal society as outlined above. It is opposed by the top-down theories of the neocons' corporatocracy and occultocracy. They believe there is no bottom-up opposition outside its borders, for there are today no borders other than outer space itself. But, whether they know it or not, there is bottom-up opposition. It is facilitated by the internet, by blogs, by the developing cyber-communities. It is from this base that the revolution will come. You can practice values of tribal society in your daily lives, such as accountability-based relationships - based on accountability to the relationship and not on an agenda for it; and consensus decision making wherever possible. That, and form groups to practice them. When a critical mass of people valuing such has been reached, political leaders will emerge and the revolution will follow.
Notwithstanding, Spengler serves as a warning: unless we understand and heed the currents of history, the present trend toward imperial despotism of his seventh phase will continue. It doesn't have to be that way. Consider: 9/11, like Hitler's Reichstag fire before it, and indeed Nero's burning of Rome before that; was a manipulation to make us fearful. When we are fearful, we tend to believe pessimistic views of political science, which ultimately all top-down views are. Don't fall for it.
Now that you have read and considered all this, where do YOU go from here? See my new blog! http://www.911wherefromhere.blogspot.com Go there and voice your comments! Let the dialog begin!
See links at bottom of "9/11: the true story." Spengler's The Decline of the West, Reilly's The Perfection of the West, and Orwell's 1984, as well as Ruppert's Crossing the Rubicon can all be found on Amazon. Information on Catherine Austin Fitts' Solari Investment Circles: Click Here. Current information on 9/11 and related issues can be found on a continuing basis on KPFA, other Pacifica radio stations, and FSTV (Dishnet channel 9415 and other networks).
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