1 - Standing with your feet parallel and hip width apart, shift your weight
toward the balls of your feet and press the soles of your feet downward. |
5 - Lift your tailbone and allow the lifting to extend your tailbone
forward. Release the squeeze gradually as your torso continues downward.
6 - Allow your arms to come over your head and press your little fingers
toward the floor in front of you.
Hold the posture. Breathe.
To release the posture, press the soles of your feet downward and drop
your tailbone, gradually bringing up the squeeze as you return to the standing
position. |
2 - Bring up the squeeze.
3 - Press the crown of your head away from your shoulders and allow the
pressing to elongate your spine.
4 - Bring your hands behind your back, interlacing your fingers and,
if possible, drawing the heels of your palms together. Press your hands
away from your shoulders, allowing your arms to elongate, your shoulder
blades to come together, and your chest to expand. |